Library Rules & Regulation

Library Rules & Regulation

  1. 1. All library users must sign in / out register kept at the Entrance counter.
  2. 2. Students will be permitted to use reference and e-library only on showing of their Identity / Library card.
  3. 3. Books are issued for fourteen days only.
  4. 4. Book bank books will be issued for maximum one semester only. The issued books must be returned to the library within 07 days of semester break, otherwise no new books will be issued for the next semester.
  5. 5. Students have to attach their colored passport size photograph on their respective library card. No library services will be rendered to the students without photograph on their library cards.
  6. 6. For issuing books form the library, the person concerned must come to the library personally. Books will not be issued to any other delegated person.
  7. 7. The users are to verify the documents before leaving the issue counter. After the document is issued he/she will be responsible for any damage etc.
  8. 8. In no case Reference books, periodicals (current and back volumes) and News papers will be issued to users.
  9. 9. Failure to return books in time shall render the borrower liable to a fine of Rs. 5/- per working day from the date when the book was due.
  10. 10. In case of loss of book by user he / she shall replace the latest edition of same book with late fine as admissible or else two times of the book value will be collected as fine.
  11. 11. Readers are expected to maintain silence in the library. Eating/ talking and chewing are strictly prohibited in the library.
  12. 12. Mobile can be used only for academic purpose not for talking.
  13. 13. If the reader-ticket (borrower card)is lost, Rs 10/-(Ten rupees) will be charged for a new one.

Rules for using Digital Library

  1. 1. Always ensure use of digital library with valid ID card.
  2. 2. Maintain silence while working in the Digital Library.
  3. 3. Keep your mobile switch off or in vibration mode. Do not use mobile phone inside the Digital Library.
  4. 4. Use of secondary storage devices are not allowed without prior permission.
  5. 5. Do not share DL computer with any other peripheral system or computer.
  6. 6. Do not change any of the computer configurations.
  7. 7. Do not download/ install any software from any website.
  8. 8. Do not bring any personal computer gadget inside the Digital Library.
  9. 9. In case of any computer operational or access problem, report to the Library in-charge.
  10. 10.Internet and intranet access is limited to academic pursuit only i.e. subscribed online databases/ e-journals/ institute websites/ NPTEL web course/ Open source educational sites and the like.
  11. 11. Users are required to create a folder on the desktop to store the downloaded document temporarily and then take help of Lib. staff to transfer the same to own storage devices.
  12. 12. Access to orkut, e-mails, google talks, online chatting etc. are not allowed in the DL.
  13. 13. For document delivery services through e-mail, pl. send your mail to riteelibrary@gmail.com


  1. Well qualified and experienced team to take care of the smooth functions of library
  2. A collection of more than 43000 text and reference books on various subjects to cater to the needs of variety of users.
  3. Subscription of around 1432 international & national e-journals and 10849 e-books to encourage the research development activities.
  4. Subscription of 108 print journals and magazines giving an insight to the latest developments.
  5. DELNET Facility for the past 11 years.
  6. Around 1228 CDs containing learning materials.
  7. IS Codes available in Chemical, Civil & Mechanical Branches.
  8. Well furnished Reading Halls.
  9. Separate CD (E-Documents) Section.
  10. Separate e-books Section.
  11. Separate e-journals Section.
  12. Free Internet Surfing Zone facility.
  13. Indian and Foreign Journals Back Volume.
  14. Magazines CD’s and Floppy.
  15. Syllabus of all branches & all semesters.
  16. Newspaper clipping services.
  17. Books catalogue (Author wise and Title Wise).
  18. News papers (Hindi and English edition / Local and National version).
  19. Carrier and Placement News Papers (Hindi & English edition).
  20. Employment News, Rogjar Aur Niyogen.
  21. Facility of property counter.
  22. Open access system in whole Central Library.
  23. Current and older University Syllabi available.
  24. Adequate seating arrangement.
  25. Old Project Reports available.
  26. Xerox facility available.
  27. Past University Exam Question Papers available.
  28. OPAC – Online Public Access Catalogue.
  29. Book Search by Author, Title, Subject, Publisher.
  30. Scanning / Printout facility available.
  31. Internet access facilities.
  32. Books Issue and Return.